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What We Offer
Various types of FEFCO boxes, personalized printing and other products. The ability to produce small orders allows us to be flexible and fulfill your needs.
We manufacture most of FEFCO box styles. Including most popular styles:0201, 0401, 0410, 0411.
Minimum box dimensions:
Length (L) 150mm
Width (W) 150mm
Height (H) 100mm
Cardboard types:
B 3mm, 3 layers
C 4mm, 3 layers
BC 7mm, 5 layers
Cardboard boxes with cut out handles are great when moving houses or in general when there is a need to carry large items.
If you need to separate items to protect them from getting damaged, we can offer custom size different types of corrugated cardboard sheets.
Cardboard types:
B 3mm, 3 layers
C 4mm, 3 layers
BC 7mm, 5 layers
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